Dual Interpretations


Proven Evidence




Another area of the Hands & Wrists examination scientists have discovered is Epigenetics or Epigenomics and it's medically real. Only because the Hands & Wrists are actually an "End Effector Tool" (EE-Tool). Composed of more nerve endings than any other part of the human body. Hence why Epigenology Medical involves examining this area. It's our environment that causes DD-Indentations to alter themselves because of Epigenetics via HOX Genes. YES! DD-Indentations do change or are altered as a direct result of how we live in our environment(s). The real proof is in my hands below before and after effect of heart surgery. Whereby earlier my my Head issue DD-Indentations projected I was to die at age 55. But its up to the Medical Professionals if they want their Clients or Patients to have a part-2 of Epigenology Examination. The author's DD-Indentations  Head Issue actually demonstrated a change in the DD-Indentations . Actual Epigenetic evidence which has now become his  own personal testimonial. As seen below which demonstrated the Authors before and after images. But there are other symptomatic exam results to also satisfy all Medical Professionals whim.

Author's before Heart Surgery showing he will not servive past 55

Author's Active hand Dermatoglyphic Descriptive-Indentations after Heart Surgery showing the extension of his life well beyong Age 55. Actual proven evidence the "Unusal Desriptive Dermatoglyphic Impression" ( are affected by our environment associatef wihe Epegentic HOX Gene effect.

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Author's G. Picard examined himself with Epigenology Medical and it saved his life. He was projected to die of a heart attack at age 55. By informing a cardiologist they confirmed Epigenology Medical diagnosis.

Exams-2, 3 & 4 examines and Interprets Epigenology "Dermatoglyphic Descriptive Indentations" (DD-Indentations)"

Author G Picard