Announces a UNIVERSITY Proven

Epigenology Medical: An automated Mind Hand preventive Health Care Service. Extracted Symptoms are interpreted for the Epigenologist hence a medical degree isn't required.

Ideal for a home based local & global Business, medical  degree not required. Get started by downloading our FREE "EPIGENOLOGIST USER MANUAL"

Epigenology CLINIC Subscriptions

Once a Wannabee Epigeneologist is approved and accepted as an Epigenologist they will have to pay a Monthly or Yearly Subscription. It's necessary for the following reasons: Allows us to update our computer DB and add new Research & Development, administrative duties, personal training and future updates of the Exam files. Including ongoing Epigenpologist business advancements. Unless one subscribes we can interpret Epigenologist's worksheets.

Yearly Subscription

$359.40 / Yearly


An Epigenologist Examines a client's "Symptomatic physical testing, visual and feel effect with a few Q & A" and Exam-2 Examines Epigednetics "Dermatoglyphic Descriptive Indentations" (DD-Indentations of the client's Hand & Wrist. Recording his positive exctraction on Client's worksheet. It's then sent to ZioTECH Inc's computer data base for automatic interpretation. Its either Post Mailed or E-Mailed to the client as a PDF report to do as they wish. Understand the Epigenologist only examines what is in the clients "Hands & Wrist" without having to interpret any of the examination results.

Epigenologist Examins a client

All thanks to the advent of Cloud computing and the surge of artificial intelligence. Modern databases are changing so they can now perform autonomously. Courses coming soon check often or contact us HERE for any questions you may have.

Monthly Subscription

29.95 Monthly

Monthly / Yearly Subscriptions

Coming soon

Author G Picard




Anyone can earn up to $1.2k per week at home and more by going online.

Ideal for a home based local & global Business, medical  degree not required. Get started by downloading our FREE "EPIGENOLOGIST USER MANUAL"